Established in 1953, Blickle began from a company which comprised of only 40 employees. Starting from their humble roots in Germany and sticking to their policy of quality products made in Germany, Blickle has now grown to be a great establishment of having a state of the art factory with automated production capability, maintaining 12 sales subsidiaries in Europe as well as many stocked warehouses around the globe. Represented in more than 80 countries worldwide by the numerous distributors with the identical belief, the name BLICK represents products with excellent quality, durable and maintenance-free products “MADE IN GERMANY”.
To dream, be creative and to expand and build a larger network. These are the 3 principles behind the brand Sisiku. These principles have laid a strong foundation for the growth of the Sisiku brand and with this strong foundation, Sisiku has distinguished itself from other Japanese manufacturers by constantly investing eddorts and huge resources into the Research and Development of new and innovative castors. New products are constantly being produced, such as Anti-Bacterial Wheel. With a strong belief to progress constantly, Sisiku has expanded from a castor manufacturer to an all rounded manufacturer of castors as well as the various applications such as Platform trucks, medical equipment as well as customised design carts.
Ukai is a renowned brand in Japan, well known for being a specialist in the field of heavy duty castor wheels. Selection of all materials had to pass through numerous quality checks from procurement to actual production in order to ensure products of the highest quality. The brand UKAI is well established with products with high load bearing capability, durability and excellent quality.